Welcome to the Vocal Honey Tour!
Thursday, March 27th 6-8 PM
Vanderkamp, Cleveland, NY
Snacks & drinks included
What you get:

"100% you need to work with Kim! Her program was so instrumental to my next phase of public speaking. From the embodiment work, to the learning exercises, to her tips and tricks to being on stage, this training helped me progress so much."

Stefania I.
CEO Breaking Stalking

"Kimberly LaForte is a powerful master that amplifies voices, and encourages participants to harnesses personal power. With a proven methodology, and empowering teaching style, Kim is inviting us to rise up to become the most powerful versions of ourselves."

Laura P.
Three time best selling and award winning author and national publicist

"For the first time in 37 years I am beginning to find my own voice, my own personality, and confidence to go in the direction of my dreams."

Joelle H.
CEO Harllston Consulting
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Note: You are purchasing a ticket for the VanderKamp (Cleveland, NY) location. This ticket is non-refundable and non-transferable.

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Welcome to Kim is Manifesting!

In these terms, we also refer to Kim is Manifesting operating under the registered business name Lotus Life Yoga Center, LLC, as “Kim Fischer”, “Kim is Manifesting”, “our”, “we”, “us”, or “coach”.

What are these terms about?
These terms apply when you sign up for Services through our website, https://kimismanifesting.mykajabi.com/, or any other website we operate with the same domain but a different extension (website landing page).

Key Words used in these terms
To make it easier for you to understand the terms on which we provide, and you use, the Services, we've tried to keep these terms of use (terms) as simple as possible by using plain English. When we say “Services” in these terms, we mean any of our services provided on our online platform or otherwise, where Kim Fischer provides coaching to individuals and includes any of our Programs, content, workbooks, support communications and associated materials (Services).

We've also used a few other capitalized words and phrases as shorthand to refer to recurring concepts. Each of these are defined in bold and in brackets after the concepts are first mentioned.

What is Coaching?
Coaching is partnership (defined as an alliance, not a legal business partnership) between a coach and client in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires the client to maximize personal, spiritual, and professional potential. It is designed to facilitate the development of personal, professional, spiritual, or business goals and to develop and carry out a plan for achieving those goals.

Acceptance of these terms
Before you sign up for our Services, or otherwise engage with the Services, please carefully read these terms. If you don't agree to these terms, please don't sign up for the Services. By clicking “accept” when you create an account, or otherwise proceed to engage with the Services, you agree to be bound by these terms.

These terms apply once you have agreed to these terms and continue until you have completed the Services or the Services are terminated earlier.

Kim Fischer cannot and does not guarantee any results, earnings, or transformation, with our programs, services, courses, masterminds, coachings, trainings, healings, or events.

Any results displayed on our website or marketing material are all real but results cannot be guaranteed. Everyone is an individual and results may vary. Results are often based on how much effort and willingness you put in. There are no guarantee of results or future earnings.

You acknowledge that Kim Fischer is not a counselor, psychologist, or mental health counselor and that our Services do not involve the diagnosis or treatment of mental disorders as defined by the American Psychiatric Association and that coaching is not to be used as a substitute for counseling, psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, mental health care, substance abuse treatment, or other professional advice by legal, medical or other qualified professionals and that it is your exclusive responsibility to seek such independent professional guidance as needed. If you are currently under the care of a mental health professional, it is recommended that you promptly inform the mental health care provider of the nature and extent of the coaching relationship agreed upon by you and your Coach.

Before making any changes to your mental health, your physical health, or otherwise, it is advised that you first speak to a medical professional to evaluate any risks.

You understand that in order to enhance the coaching relationship, you should communicate honestly, be open to feedback and assistance and to create the time and energy to participate fully in the program.

(Movement & Radical Rituals)
The type of movement, or any movement, that is taught or shown inside of our Services can be triggering and bring up heavy emotions. Like any physical exercise, it is advised that you speak with a medical or mental health specialist before you participate in Radical Rituals, or any form of movement presented inside our Services. Your participation is completely voluntary inside of our Services and movement teachings. We are not responsible for any outcome(s) you may experience during the movements, including physical, mental, or energetic, inside our Services. If you feel unsafe or unsure during or after movement, you are advised to stop participating, and call your current health professional, or 911.

References and phone numbers will also be provided upon request. Contact Kim Fischer for these resources. If Kim Fischer cannot be reached, and the need is urgent, you agree to immediately contact a mental or medical health provider, or call 911.

(No Medical Advice) The purpose of offering Services through Kim is Manifesting is to provide general information that is based on Kim Fischer’s life experience. Kim Fischer does not provide any medical advice. You can not rely on anything shared or provided in the Services or website as an exhaustive list of advice or recommendations of any actions you may take or solutions or remedies to any issues you may be having.

(Suitability) We do not guarantee that our Services take into account your specific needs, personal circumstances, or goals. Many factors will determine whether or not you achieve specific goals and outcomes and there are no guarantees that you will experience certain outcomes (whether communicated to us or not) within a certain time frame or at all. You should obtain appropriate medical or mental health advice or financial advice before relying on the information provided within our Services. We are not responsible for any actions, decisions, or any implementations or methods taken by you in relation to mental health, financial health, or otherwise by you are done so at your own risk. By not seeking appropriate professional medical or financial advice, you accept the risk that the information contained in our Services may not meet your specific needs, circumstances or goals.

(Participation) By participating in our Services you understand that you may be exposed to experiences and information, including sensitive information, that you may find triggering, disturbing, or upsetting. We encourage you to seek professional advice, including medical advice, if you are unsure about anything in our Services, including if you are triggered or upset by anything that is shared or comes up for you during the Services. The services are meant to provide you with support and your participation is completely voluntary. If, at any point, you feel uncomfortable and wish to stop participating in the Services, notify Kim Fischer immediately.

(Mental Health Concerns) If you are experiencing mental health concerns, please contact a health professional immediately.

If you are unsure about anything in our Services, or participating in our Services, we encourage you to seek medical advice and a referral from a health practitioner or financial advisor prior to using our Services.

Schedule and Fees
You agree to pay all fees associated with the Services. Insurance generally does not cover the cost of Coaching Services. You give Kim is Manifesting permission to charge your credit/debit card on file for any outstanding fees.
I agree

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

  • Total payment
  • 1xVocal Honey Tour (VanderKamp)$49

All prices in USD