We know that a nourished body helps amplify your voice and sustain your energy, which is why every stop on the Vocal Honey Tour includes a delicious lunch (4 hr) and/or and refreshing snacks (2 hr).
"Kimberly LaForte is a powerful master that amplifies voices, and encourages participants to harnesses personal power. With a proven methodology, and empowering teaching style, Kim is inviting us to rise up to become the most powerful versions of ourselves."
"100% you need to work with Kim! Her program was so instrumental to my next phase of public speaking. From the embodiment work, to the learning exercises, to her tips and tricks to being on stage, this lab helped me progress so much."
"For the first time in 37 years I am beginning to find my own voice, my own personality, and confidence to go in the direction of my dreams."
All prices in USD